#StillPodcasting? Join Us!

There's a lot happening in our world right now. There's uncertainty and the news seems to be changing by the minute. 

Watch this video to learn how you can connect with podcasters all over the world who are #StillPodcasting.

How Zencastr Can Help

  • We have lifted recording limitations on our Hobbyist plan through July 1, 2020. Now you can record your podcast for free with unlimited recording hours and unlimited guests. Check out our recent blog post.

  • Planning to record more guests remotely? We've created a short video that gives your guests a better idea of what to expect during your recording. We encourage you to send them this video in advance.

  • Have questions? Our support team is available through the live chat on our website- weekdays from 9am- 5pm Eastern. You can also email us anytime at support@zencastr.com.

Posted on March 21, 2020 .